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25 Seeds

Cultivation: Easy

Seed Saving: Beginner

Water Requirements: 2

Tomato from Barano d’Ischia (Lycopersicon lycopersicum)

2,60 €Precio
  • Tomato from Barano d’Ischia (Lycopersicon lycopersicum): this “dryed” tomato  comes from the largest island of Campania Archipelago, more precisely from Barano, is suitable for winter storage, whiche here is made with the Piennolo technique, a specialty from Campania.

    Its thick skin and high concentration of sugar make it suitable for long storage.

    The shape of the bright yellow berry is oblong, slightly pedunculated, more round than the other famous Napolitan “drying” tomato the Piennolo from Vesuvio.

    The differ from each other because of the Barano’s weight (40 gm) and its flavor that is slightly more acidic.

    This tomato is very similar to the “drying” tomatoes that have now, apparently, disappeared from southern Lazio.

    The plant is rustic, and does not do well in water stagnation or too frequent irrigation.


    1. Very low: no need for irrigation
    2. Low: also suitable for hot and arid areas, irrigate only in case of prolonged drough.
    3. Reduced: this variety is amongst the leas demanding of its species, hence it is highly suitable for areas with sporadic rainfall, to be irrigated only in case of prolonged droughts
    4. Tolerant to water stress: it needs moderate irrigation, suitable for gardens with low water consumption.

    We are currently creating a guide for this kind of cultivation, unfortunately, until the guide is published, this is only an overall indication that we can provide without causing confusion about the process. Dry farming, in fact, requires cultivation techniques suitable for the specific  pedoclimate and substrate. All of the varieties included in this category have been acclimatized in Italy.

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