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15/20 Seeds

Cultivation: easy

Seed saving: beginner

Cucumber Crystal Lemon (Cucumis sativus)

Out of Stock
  • Crystal Lemon Cucumber (Cucumis sativus var. sativus): this ancient variety is native to Pennsilvania, USA, its first catlogue appearance dates from 1894. The fruits are round, big, and striped in yellow. The plant is very productive, not excesively vigorous, its axillary internodes are very close together which can lead to funghi diseases or humidity, hence it is necessary to provide support as soon as transplanted, as well as regular trimming. One of its best qualities is its high tolerance to cold, just like our beloved Dragon Eggs. The fruits are ready in 45 days (when they have the size of a tennis ball) they are sweet, aromatic and have no trace of bitterness.

    Tip: it is not necessary to peel it since its skin is fine and full of nutrients, in fact it makes for fabulous tatziki. 

    A recipe from the BBC:


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