15 Seeds
Cultivation: easy
Seed Saving: expert
Hopi Yellow Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)
Hopi Yellow Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus): precious cultivar from the People of Peace. Hopi are the largest indigenous farmers in the Americas, their selections are often focused on sustainability, and on the semi-desertic pedoclimate where they cultivate. This variety is no exception, the plant ears much better than the other drought cultivars and is not very demanding in terms of soil; it is not vigorous, the medium-sized fruit (5-6 kg) holds a crunchy yellow pulp, sweet -not too much-, with the exotic aftertaste typical of Yellow watermelons. This variety is suitable for everyone because of its great rusticity that "forgives" even some mistakes.
Many have called their most pleasant watermelon ever tasted, after just one bite. It is demanding only in terms of temperature, to be sown in April May, ready in 75 days from the transplant.
An extra bit of information on this variety, but valid also for all watermelons, it is useful to rotate the fruits a little every day if the weather is humid or cold, so as to make it mature uniformly and not too much on the bottom.