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25 Seeds

Cultivation: easy

Seed Saving: beginner

Cream Sausage Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicun)

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  • Cream Sausage Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum): this is a very interesting variety of plum tomato, it is medium-sized and holds a pretty little tip as well as a beautiful creamy yellow. The flesh is juicy and firm, its taste is the perfect balance between sweet and acid, it has a decisive unique flavour; the combination of taste and texture makes it perfect for sauces. The plant is determinate, extremely productive and sets all the fruits, that come in clusters of about 6, at the same time; it does not require trimming so it is safe even for those who approach cultivation for the first time. Tomatoes should be planted after the last frost is past because they do not stand it. This variety is low in Lycopene, so it can be consumed even by those who have problems with the substance, it is special for conserves since it is a descendant of the wonderful San Marzano, that is the quintessential sauce tomato, and is also related to the marvellous Jersey Devil, gifted with the best features it comes to exist with a mission, the  Cream Sausage is born to be sauce!

  • This variety dates to 1984 in USA  and  was created by legendary plant breeder Tom Wagner, it first appeared on the SSE catalog in 1988, we here share the link to Seed Savers Exchange since they have also  taken on the beautiful mission of saving heirloom seeds: 

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