150 Seeds
Cultivation: easy
Seed saving: intermediate
Pak Choy Cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis)
Pak Choy (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis): this small cabbage from the Far East has conquered the world. It is so appealing because of its clean appearance, and subtle, refined taste, which is a perfect complement to its ease of cultivation. It can be cultivated all year round, but winter is preferable as the time before the hot season: it does not bear the torrid climate well. The sowing can be escalated so as to have an extended harvest in March - April and then in August - October. It can be harvested in two ways: when it is small for salads, and when it is around 1/2kg to be cooked. To get the seeds it is necessary to wait for the spring following the sowing, allowing some plants to reach even the kg before the flowering.
A link for interesting recipes: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/glossary/pak-choi-glossary