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25 Seeds

Cultivation: easy

Seed Saving: intermediate

Japanese Black Trifele Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum)

Out of Stock
  • Japanese Black Trifele Tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum): our love to Russia for this beautiful heirloom tomato, an ancient and rustic variety, of unique flavor.

    It is a very productive plant, ready in 80 days. It produces abundant pear-shaped fruits of good size (70-150 gm), and beautiful dark shades.

    The pulp is smooth and crunchy, suitable for a variety or recipes, it is slightly acid and has a particular, earthy flavour. This is an amazing tomato hat holds a chocolatey aroma, very similar to a black truffle.

    The plant, even though indeterminate, does not develop excessive aerial space, hence limiting the need of trimming, and the exposition to fungal diseases.

    It needs full sun exposure, and does not suffer from apical rot which is a great advantage for a tomato this size.

    It is, undoubtedly, one of the best tomatoes in the world.

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